Monday, January 24, 2011

Rosa Bourke Parrots

Scientific Name: Neopsephotus bourkii. (formerly known as Neophema bourkii)
Common Name/s: Bourke's Parrot, Bourke’s Grass Parrot, Bourke Parrot, Bourke's Grassie.
Origin / Distribution: Inland Australia.
Breeding: Easy. Will share aviary with just about any other bird. Very quiet. Will use just about any box.
Lifespan : approx. 10 years
Sexing: Dimorphic. Male has blue band on head. Females do not have the blue frontal band and can have a feint white under wing band

General Notes: A great beginners bird as they are very hardy and very peaceful birds. They also get along with most of our birds.

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